The Phoenix - A New Way

Phoenix Infrastructure Group was formed in 2015 as an investment advisory firm to usher in a New Way to address infrastructure financing in the United States.

Founded by two University of Chicago business school classmates who met a decade earlier on a trek to research infrastructure financing in Canada, a New Way was explored with the goal of combining the innovation of market-driven capital with the inelasticity of demand for public assets and services.

The Phoenix symbolizes a new day for US infrastructure as well as the firm’s early beginnings at the University of Chicago, an institution rebuilt in the ashes of the Great Chicago Fire.

Phoenix Infrastructure is a member firm of the Association for the Improvement of American Infrastructure(AIAI).

Our firm is founded on these guiding principles:


Investment in assets and services that provide inelastic value to communities most efficiently and effectively


Partnership with fellow investors developers, contractors, operators, technical experts and advisors of the highest quality and reputation


Pursuit of the highest values of excellence, deepest levels of diversity and strongest levels of community engagement in our pursuits


Rigorous understanding of risk management and mitigation from development through design, construction and into operations